Introduction to Parenting Advice

If you have ever been frustrated by your attempts to change or improve your toddler or child's behaviors, this introductory video will demonstrate how I can help.

It explains my approach to parent training and leads you to other resources you can access to find out how to improve your parenting skills.

Learn how to set limits or expectations. Tame temper tantrums, stop whining, sibling rivalry and much, much more.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Today's Working Mom's Dilemma

The old dilemma moms used to face when considering a return to the workplace was will it be OK for my child if he/she is in daycare instead of being raised full time by a parent? Many articles, books and research papers have been written on the topic over time, and I think that question has been answered for many parents. Even though there is support for both yes and no to the question, there is enough information out there for today's parents to find evidence and support for - and therefore comfort with - either choice.

Today's dilemma is if I work I won't fit into the non-working mom's world, but if I stay at home I won't fit into the working mom's world. Either position leaves mom feeling deprived and/or misunderstood. Where does/will she fit in? What if all her friends are in the "other" group? Will she lose them? Will she make new friends with the choice she makes?

How do working moms or stay-at-home moms settle that dilemma? I'd love to hear your answers and get a discussion going on the blog.

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