Introduction to Parenting Advice

If you have ever been frustrated by your attempts to change or improve your toddler or child's behaviors, this introductory video will demonstrate how I can help.

It explains my approach to parent training and leads you to other resources you can access to find out how to improve your parenting skills.

Learn how to set limits or expectations. Tame temper tantrums, stop whining, sibling rivalry and much, much more.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Video 1: Whining and Interrupting

Put an end to your child's annoying behaviors - stop the whining and interrupting forever! This brief video will explain how you can take control as a parent, with an easy-to-follow 3-step technique.

1 comment:

  1. We don't have control over our children's behavior. We do have deep influence on them. How we love, cherish, and treat our children affects them moment by moment, and for the rest of their lives. But our influence doesn't mean that we can exert control over how they behave and feel.

    *BluePixo Entertainment - A place for mom and dad to share topics about parenthood*
