Introduction to Parenting Advice

If you have ever been frustrated by your attempts to change or improve your toddler or child's behaviors, this introductory video will demonstrate how I can help.

It explains my approach to parent training and leads you to other resources you can access to find out how to improve your parenting skills.

Learn how to set limits or expectations. Tame temper tantrums, stop whining, sibling rivalry and much, much more.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Video 4: Time Out

Do you get frustrated that you can't get your child to stop losing it?

Are your efforts at calming him down effective?

If not, would you like to learn about a Time Out that works?
Every time?

Well, here is the answer - this video describes a version of
Time Out that works because it is so simple.

Try it and see for yourself!


  1. Hi Fiona,
    I attended one of your talks, and have a copy of your book. Thank you for the video clips and the posts on this new site!
    My son is almost six, and has very intense bouts of anger and frustration when he doesn't like something. He's generally a happy, enthusiastic boy, but he turns angry and aggressive at the seemingly the smallest provocation. (seems small to me, anyway). I suspect this is a part of his personality --he's always been a very intense, high maintenance little guy, since the day he was born. When I send him to his room when he gets nuts like this, he screams, throws things, gets violent. Sometimes he eventually calms himself, othertimes he'll come out calm, but won't stop nagging us about the thing he didn't get. How can I help him to deal with his anger and frustrations in a healthy way?

  2. Didn't see your post - sorry for late reply. If your son goes to daycare or K'garten, see how he handles frustration in those places. If it's different than at home, it's probably a parenting issue, if it's the same, it's probably more his personality and staying firm with sending him to calm down. If it doesn't get better in a few months, you may need to change how you manage his tantrums.
